What to do when food supply is limited because of the coronavirus

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By: Dr. Shelly Kocher, M.D., FACOG


Given the current events, it can be more challenging than usual to access healthier RM-approved foods that are recommended for you while on your weight loss journey. However, staying on track is certainly not impossible! With the proper guidance and tools, everyone has the means necessary to continue staying healthy. As a medical provider, here are my tips for staying healthy while navigating the issues of today during the coronavirus outbreak:


Remember that protein comes in different forms

At this time, animal proteins are in high-demand and may be difficult to find in stock. As such, protein intake can be maintained in other forms, such as egg whites & protein shakes!


Protein shakes

We have plenty of Red Mountain’s exclusive protein shakes available for purchase online that come in a variety of tasty flavors and are popular amongst our patients! Typically, patients are asked to limit their intake to 2 per day. However, given the circumstances, patients should feel welcome to consume as many shakes as are allowed within their protein guidelines.


Egg whites

Eggs are tasty & a great source of protein! If you cannot find them at your local grocery store, the Farmer’s market or local farm may be a great resource. Remember, too, that egg whites may be frozen — so stock up when you find some to keep in your freezer!

Stay informed

Although shelves are clearing quickly due to “food hoarders,” remember that stores are continuing to receive deliveries of supplies on a very regular basis. Ask a representative if they are able to share information regarding that store’s delivery schedule. With this information, you will be able to ensure that you are shopping at the best times.

Soon enough, however, “food hoarders” will change their purchasing habits as they enjoy their stockpile. Furthermore, stores will be better equipped for the increase in food demand during the coming weeks.


Choose fresh food

Most people are focused on purchasing canned and frozen goods, which means that fresh fruits and vegetables are still in good supply! As such, be sure to take advantage of your local grocer’s produce section and the selection at Farmer’s markets. If you’d like, you can freeze your own food to make it last longer!

Although fresh food is best, remember that frozen vegetables and fruit are great options too. However, be sure to confirm that it does not contain any added sugars. 


Shop local

Many local growers distribute their food straight to you from their farm or at farmers markets .If your go-to grocer has run out of your favorite items, consider one of these options as an alternative.

For more helpful tips and resources on how to navigate COVID-19 while staying on track with your health, read these related stories:


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